Nelson Academy Nursery Prospectus

Staff lead small group activities, join children in their play and spend time observing them independently. The observations they write and photographs they take go into each child’s Learning Story, which develops over the year into a detailed record of their nursery experience. We also ask families to contribute to the Learning Story to help us learn about children’s interests and achievements outside of the academy. Please provide your child with: • A change of clothes and a pair of Wellington boots. Children can get rather messy when they are busy learning in nursery. • A coat, hat and gloves depending on the weather. Children need to be prepared for all weathers as they have free access from indoors to outside and vice versa, as directed by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. • A water bottle We ask that children are toilet trained before they start nursery with us, however we fully expect that there will be some accidents. If your child has a medical condition or special educational need/disability which impacts upon their ability to be toilet trained, please speak to the nursery manager. nursery 2017.indd 6 10/05/2017 08:48