Nelson Academy adopts the policies of the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust.
For the below policies, please visit the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust website here:
- Abuse and Violence Against Staff
- Accessibility
- Admissions
- Appraisal and Capability Process
- Attendance
- Care and Education of Pregnant Students
- Charging & Remissions
- Complaints
- Data Protection
- Data Retention
- Educational Visits
- Equalities
- Exclusion
- Finance
- First Aid and Medical
- Health & Safety
- Non Examination Assessment
- Positive Management of Aggressive & Violent Behaviour
- Pupil Premium
- Relationship and Sex Education
- Religious Education
- Safeguarding incorporating Child Protection
- Self-Harm
- Separated Parents
- Whistleblowing
Local Policies
If you would like paper copies of our policies or any other information about the academy, please request this through the academy office.